
    OEM Kids Wear Manufacturer

    Strength: NrB Fashion
    Moreover NrB Fashion has the following facilities for smooth operation:

    • Own stand by Generator to run full factory.

    • Fire protection system.

    • Sufficient volume of water reservoir at under ground & overhead.

    • Quality electrical cable with siemens circuit breakers used in MDBs & SDBs.

    • Separate toilet for male & female workers.

    • Urinals & spittoons are available as per law.

    • Sufficient lights are provided in all the working areas.

    • Installing ceiling fans, exhausts fans & large windows provide sufficient


    • Factory premises are always kept neat & clean.

    • We do not have any child labor.

    • Following the local labor law to ensure all code of conduct.

    • Have one Exit & One emergency Exit in the facilities & open full time of

      factory operation.

    • Have all fire fighting equipment as per law to protect any fire accident.

    • Allays secured by a trained and hi-skilled hired security team.

    • Highly experienced and qualified professionals run the project. Management

      is fully dedicated for efficient and effective delivery.

    • Control towards attaining best quality in production, export shipment in

      order .

    • Manpower strength in main line production is run by the trained operators /

      supervisors headed by highly skilled personnel.

    • Independent sample unit is equipped with modern infrastructure. Sample

      unit is headed by a skilled sample in-charge to provide any kind of styles

      within scheduled time frame

    • We maintain strict in-line inspection during production and we practice Total

      Quality Management (T.Q.M) system.

    • We produce : kids and children Polo-shirt Supplier,kids and children Polo shirt supplier in Bangladesh.kids and children Polo Shirt exporter. kids and children Polo-shirt factory,kids and children Polo-shirt wholesaler, kids and children Promotional Polo-shirt, Fashion polo-shirt.

    Kids Wear Manufacturer-Supplier, Garment Factory in Bangladesh,

    kids and children T-shirt supplier in Bangladesh.kids and children T-shirt exporter.kids and children T-shirt factory, kids and children t-shirt wholesaler,kids and children Promotional T-shirt, Fashion T-shirt.Garments Manufacturer in Bangladesh, Cl...

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